Contact Information Window
User-Defined Fields Tab

The Contact Information window is used to add information about contacts to your Address Book. The User-Defined Fields tab allows you to enter or edit data for custom fields you create. To open the Contact Information window click the New, New from Current, or Edit icon in the Address Book.

The Contact Information window

Adding or Editing Fields and Data in the User-Defined Fields section

The User-Defined Fields section allows you to create a Contact field that you can access when setting up layout and information for your projects. If, for example, you needed to create name badges for everyone in your company where the persons date of birth appears under their name, you could create a field like "DateOfBirth" and enter the each persons birth date in the Value field for the DateOfBirth option. By clicking the Add Field button at the bottom left of the User-Defined Fields section you create a new field that will then show up as a User-Defined Fields option for every contact you have in your Address Book. Going back to the date of birth example, once you have created this field you could easily add the Value for each contact with out needing to recreate the same new field for every contact in the Address Book. (In other words, once you create the DateOfBirth field once, it will always be shown as an option. You can also create new fields using the Field Names window, available from the programs main Data menu.)

By Checking the To Print check box in the lower left corner, this contact will appear in the list of names available when printing from the Address Book. Checking the Show on designer field will cause this contact to appear when designing a project instead of generic field information (this is for display purposes and does not automatically print this contact information, see Print Labels for more details on printing.)

See also: Contact Information tabs - Name, Business, Home, Other, Logo, Templates