Writing Canadian Checks in VersaCheck Standards Compliance for Canadian Checks
Beginning on June 30, 2007 the Canadian Payments Association brings into
effect new regulations for Canadian checks. The full specification can
be found in PDF form on the CPA web site here.
Here, from the CPA web site, are the main changes to the specification:
Adoption of a numeric date field in one of three specified formats (YYYYMMDD, MMDDYYYY or DDMMYYYY).
It is essential that field indicators be printed below the date field to indicate which format is being used.
Bilingual date field indicators are accommodated for cheques using the international date format (YYYYMMDD).
A mandatory serial number in the MICR line encoded at the bottom of the cheque (the serial number was previously an optional field in the MICR line).
An increase in the minimum length of cheques to 6 ¼”, or 15.88 cm, from 6”, to ensure there is sufficient space for the mandatory serial number in the MICR line.
Specified positions for key fields on the cheque, including the date field and the amount in figures.
Disallowance of elements that may hinder the capture of images or data from the cheque.
For example, inverse printing, italics or slanted fonts, a bottom border printed below the MICR line,
and the use of black carbon on the reverse of cheques will not be permitted.
A provision to ensure that security features do not interfere with key data, or “areas of interest”, as defined in Standard 006,
Part A, either prior to imaging or post imaging. In particular, if a VOID pantograph or other hidden pantograph is used, the pantograph
must not be visible on images captured from original cheques.
New printing requirements on the reverse of the cheque so that image capture can be verified.
Some revisions to technical specifications (e.g. Print Contrast Signal)
to ensure high-quality images can be captured. For example, some complex
or colorful backgrounds that have been used on cheques to date may interfere
with image quality and may need to be changed.
VersaCheck 2010 has been designed to meet all requirements for the new
specifications. It is important that you select an appropriate check template
in the Select Check Style step of the Edit Checkbook
wizard. Make sure that you choose a Canadian check template. You will
also need to adjust the settings in the Advanced
section of the Checkbook Setup Wizard. To insure compliance with the
new standard, check paper and MICR ink and toner are available from http://www.g7ps.com.