Miscellaneous Tab
The Miscellaneous section of the Payee Setup allows you to enter Notes about
a particular payee, to create custom fields for imported information, and to
select a source for imported files. From the File menu select New and then Payee
or click on the New button on the Payees screen.
- Typing notes, additional contact or account information, reminders, etc.
into the Notes field will create text that is stored with the payee
information and displays in the Note Pad section of the Payees
- The Custom fields (1 through 3) can be used to create additional fields
that you can use to filter or search the payee list. For example, if you used
Custom field 1 to enter each payees social security number, you could then
use the Custom field 1 option in the Payee search
screen to look for a particular payee by entering a social security number
to find the match.
- Using the Source drop down box allows you to select the original source
or origin of the payee (for example, if imported from another software program
or file) so that you can use this information for filtering or searching through
the payee list.
To add additional information to the Payee Setup use the General
and Financial Tabs.
Silver Express |
American Checkbooks |
Silver |
Gold |
Platinum |
 20 max |
 100 max |
 unlimited |
 unlimited |
 unlimited |